Oliver Atkinson

Professionalism Is Dead

Growing up you are told “don’t do xyz”, that’s not professional. For example: “Don’t swear, it’s not professional, that wouldn’t go over well in the workplace!” (Note that there are other good reasons not do to this.) Or how about: “Workplace safety is #1 priority!”

I don’t particularly know why we’ve been told these lies but it’s probably important to remove as many lies from your life as possible. But they are still lies.

My first jobs were all working with trades people. These of course are people who are generally a bit rougher around the edges, so I figured “hey, they must all curse because that’s just the type of job.” But now I work in a much more “sophisticated” workplace, and whilst talking to one of the high-ups in the organization (part of the admin team) and they were swearing all over the place. Granted this was informal and in-person communication, but still, I wasn’t expecting it.

Then for the safety bit; I could explain this but I think Mike Rowe does a good job in this article.

I know there isn’t too much deep thought in this article, but it was just a weird observation.